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Eases pain and speeds recovery


Less pain, quicker return to the herd


Dosage and indication (cattle):

  • For use in acute mastitis, in combination with appropriate antibiotic therapy in lactating cows.
  • For use to assist in the control of pain following the dehorning of cattle, particularly that following heat cautery dehorning of young cattle. It is recommended that the injection be administered approximately 10 minutes before dehorning and be accompanied by a cornual nerve block anaesthesia.
  • For use in acute respiratory infection with appropriate antibiotic therapy to reduce clinical signs in cattle.
  • For the alleviation of pain and inflammation associated with surgery.
  • For use in diarrhoea in combination with oral-rehydration therapy to reduce clinical signs in calves and young cattle.
  • Single use only by S/C or I/V injection at 2.5 mL/100 kg.

Withholding periods (cattle):

  • Milk: 84 hours, Meat: 10 days

METACAM 20 mg/mL Solution for Injection. See product label for full claim details and directions for use. ACVM No. A007982. Restricted Veterinary Medicine. Available only under a veterinary authorisation.



All the benefits - in half the dose


Dosage and indication (cattle):

  • For use in acute mastitis, in combination with appropriate antibiotic therapy in lactating cows.
  • For use to assist in the control of pain following the dehorning of cattle, particularly that following heat cautery dehorning of young cattle. It is recommended that the injection be administered approximately 10 minutes before dehorning and be accompanied by a corneal nerve block anaesthesia.
  • For the alleviation of pain and inflammation associated with surgery in cattle.
  • For use in acute respiratory infection with appropriate antibiotic therapy to reduce clinical signs in cattle.
  • For use in diarrhoea in combination with oral-rehydration therapy to reduce clinical signs in calves and young cattle.
  • Single use only by S/C and I/V injection at 1.25 mL/100 kg.

Withholding periods (cattle):

  • Milk: 84 hours, Meat: 10 days

METACAM 40 mg/mL Solution for Injection. See product label for full claim details and directions for use. ACVM No. A011754. Restricted Veterinary Medicine. Available only under a veterinary authorisation.


Mastitis = pain

There is strong evidence, and agreement from the farming and veterinary community, that mastitis is painful regardless of how severe it is.

Farmers play a crucial role in picking up changes in their herd. Observable behaviours that indicate pain and soreness associated with mastitis may include:

  • Changes in temperament
  • Walking differently
  • Separation from herd

Vet and farmer opinions for mild and severe mastitis

Mastitis Pain Graph

Mastitis = production loss

Infertility is the greatest reason for culling1,2

Poor reproductive performance in the dairy herd is one of the most common reasons for culling in NZ and around the world.

When mastitis can’t be avoided, farmers need to minimise its impact on fertility.

Cows that have had a case of clinical mastitis:

  • Demonstrate a lower first service conception rate3
  • Have a longer calving to conception interval4
  • Display an increased risk of embryo loss or early abortion5,6

The chance of pregnancy is reduced in cows with clinical mastitis

Mastitis Pregnancy Chart


1 McDougall, S., et al. (2009). Effect of treatment with the nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory meloxicam on milk production, somatic cell count, probability or re-treatment, and culling of dairy cows with mild clinical mastitis. J. Dairy Sci., 92: 4421-4431. 2 Kerslake, J.I., et al. (2018). Economic costs of recorded reasons for cow mortality and culling in a pasture-based dairy industry. J. Dairy Sci., 101: 1795-1803. 3 Fuenzalida, M.J., et al. (2015). The association between occurrence and severity of subclinical and clinical mastitis on pregnancies per artificial insemination at first service of Holstein cows. Dairy Sci., 98(6): 3791-3805. 4 Schrick, F.N., et al. (2001). Influence of subclinical mastitis during early lactation on reproductive parameters. J. Dairy Sci., 84(6): 1407-1412. 5 Barker, A.R., et al. (1998). Influence of clinical mastitis during early lactation on re-productive performance of Jersey cows. J. Dairy Sci., 81(5): 1285-1290. 6 Risco, M.A., et al. (1999). Clinical mastitis associated with abortion in dairy cows. J. Dairy Sci. 82(8): 1684-1689.

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