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Trace minerals to support growth, reproduction and immune defence, with the energy from vitamin B12 for optimum health and performance in cattle.

Product Description

Chelated trace mineral injection for beef and dairy cattle deficient in and/or responsive to zinc, manganese, selenium, copper and/or vitamin B12 supplementation.

Active Constituents
  • 26.7 g/L zinc as disodium zinc EDTA
  • 6.7 g/L manganese as disodium manganese EDTA
  • 3.3 g/L selenium as sodium selenite
  • 10 g/L copper as disodium copper EDTA
  • 1.4 g/L cyanocobalamin
Product Benefits


MARKS-MIN ZMSC® with B12 provides elements that support growth by aiding cell, bone, muscle, cartilage and connective tissue growth and development, as well as protein metabolism, DNA production, thyroid function and nerve myelination.


MARKS-MIN ZMSC with B12 provides elements that support reproduction by aiding the development of male and female reproductive organs and their functions, the process of fertilisation and also the maintenance of pregnancy.


MARKS-MIN ZMSC with B12 provides elements that support immune defence by aiding function of the immune system and white blood cells that help combat and resist the establishment of infections.


Vitamin B12 plays a key role for the production of energy in livestock. Energy is required for all bodily processes and it is the backbone of all production.


MARKS-MIN ZMSC with B12 contains zinc, manganese, selenium, copper and vitamin B12, which are required for optimal health, production and fertility. Sub-optimal trace mineral and vitamin B12 status, particularly during periods of stress, such as calving, mating and drying off, have been shown to negatively impact production, reproduction and health. Using an injectable supplement can improve trace mineral and vitamin B12 status at these critical times, promoting a healthy immune system, which is important in resisting disease, and has a positive impact on reproduction.


Has a role in:

  • Cell production
  • Skin and hair and hoof growth
  • Antioxidant functions
  • Disease resistance
  • Reproduction/fertility


Has a role in:

  • Protein metabolism
  • Antioxidant functions
  • Bone, cartilage, and connective tissue development
  • Reproduction/fertility
  • Embryo survival
  • Glucose synthesis and utilisation


Has a role in:

  • Disease resistance
  • Muscle growth and function
  • Reproduction/fertility
  • Thyroid hormone function
  • Antioxidant functions


Has a role in:

  • Iron metabolism and red blood cell development
  • Bone development
  • Nerve function and myelination
  • Antioxidant functions
  • Disease resistance
  • Reproduction/fertility


Has a role in:

  • Energy production and metabolism
  • DNA synthesis
  • Growth Immune system function
  • Reproduction/ fertility
  • Milk production
Dosage and Treatment Times
  • Administer to cattle by subcutaneous injection (under the skin) into the anterior half of the neck (the half of the neck closest to the head)
  • Following withdrawal of the first dose, product can be used for 9 months from opening

Up to 1 year 1.5 mL/50kg
From 1-2 years 1.5 mL/75kg
Over 2 years 1.5 mL/100kg

Check the accuracy of the applicator regularly. Use correct aseptic technique. A transient local swelling may be observed at the site of injection. Divide doses greater than 10 mL between 2 injection sites. DO NOT retreat animals for 8 weeks after last treatment.

Withholding Periods

MEAT: Zero (0) days     |     MILK: Zero (0) days


Store below 30 °C in original box, in a dry place. Protect from light.

Pack Size

500 mL

Injectable Applicator

The MARKS-MIN injectable applicator with forward selectable dose volume has been specifically developed in NZ to be used with all MARKS-MIN injectable solutions. Applicators are available from your veterinary clinic on purchase of MARKS-MIN products.

  • Refer to the 5 mL applicator for calves
  • Refer to the 12 mL applicator for cattle
Treatment plan
Calves Heifers Dairy Cows
  • At day 1
  • At weaning
  • 4 weeks before mating
  • Every 3 months
  • 4 weeks before calving
  • 4 weeks before mating or insemination
  • 4 weeks before drying off
Beef Cows Bulls Additional
  • 4 weeks before mating
  • 4 weeks before calving
  • 3 months before mating
  • Bulls at mating
  • Every 2 months in wet conditions

Figure 1: The trace mineral levels of an individual can be a rate limiting factor determining animal performance. Managing trace mineral levels especially during high demand periods is an important part of optimising production potential and managing animal health

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